[content_band no_margin=”true” padding_bottom=”0″ padding_top=”0″ inner_container=”true” bg_image=”http://eventshowcaseandexpo.bigdayentertain.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Room4.jpg” parallax=”true”][line style=”border-top: 1px solid #ffffff”][container class=”center-text”] [custom_headline class=”resp-h-3 mtm” level=”h2″]Become an Exhibitor[/custom_headline][/container][column class=”left-text” type=”one-half” border=”none” style=”color:#ffffff;”]

If you offer a product or service in the event planning industry, this is a must show for you to exhibit. We are inviting from the Tri-state area:

  • Corporate, Event, and Party Planners
  • Country Club Managers and their event planning committees
  • Hotel, Catering, Food and Beverage Manager
  • Fundraiser/Gala Directors and their planning committees[/column][column class=”left-text” type=”one-half” border=”none” last=”true” style=”color:#ffffff;”]

We will also invite industry associations including:

  • Meeting Planners International (MPI)
  • Visit Pittsburgh
  • ILEA
  • Greater Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce
  • Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership
  • Blacktie Pittsburgh[/column]

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[content_band no_margin=”true” padding_bottom=”0″ inner_container=”true” bg_color=”#fff”][column type=”one-half”]We have an extensive contact list from previous showcases that we will call, mail postcard invitations, and send several email blasts promoting this Showcase/Expo.

Limited exhibit space available.

Download the application for packages and pricing